Why a 16 gauge? Let me expound.
A man who identifies himself as a 16 gauge shooter is instantly
elevated in "coolness" in any firearms circle. It immediately
signifies one as being of good taste and judgement. If the shooter's firearm
happens to be a fine English or high grade American double bearing an
exceptional piece of Turkish walnut and wearing the evidence of much use but
great care, he will be spoken of in reverential tones. The only shooters who
could hope to rival him are those who shoot fine doubles in short 10, 28 and 2
1/2" 12 bore.
You will be found to be more interesting anywhere hunters and
shooters gather. New shooters will instantly recognize you as the final word in
all things shotgun. Women respond to men of good taste and refinement and will
find you more attractive. Dogs are astute judges of character and will hunt
better for you. In fact your best friend's dog may hunt better for you than him
with his synthetic stocked jamamatic. Being a 16 gauge shooter, you are also
gracious enough to hunt with him despite his lack of taste and character. You
will essentially be the shooting fraternity's version of the world's most
interesting man.
All kidding aside I bought one. I'm excited. Pictures below.