Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Lull in Adventure Land.

Ok so we're a little between hunting seasons right now. The doves have pretty much moved on south and quail and pheasant season is a little more than three weeks away followed by waterfowl a couple weeks later. So it's back to scouting the afore mentioned birds and training with Bama.

Saturday Bama and I drove out to an area I've duck hunted in the past to see if we could scare up any Geese or ducks. The area is called Pacific Pallisades and is about 900 hundred acres bordered on two sides by the Meramec River. An old sand dredging operation used to be in that area and there are a number of old ponds that are surrounded by woods which attract the waterfowl when the conditions are right. We got there about sunrise and walked in. Almost immediately I saw a few ducks flying up the river skirting the treeline. Followed later by a flock of about 30 geese. Good sign. Now they just need to stick around for a few weeks.

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