Saturday, December 3, 2011

Out With The Camo, In With The Orange.

Yesterday I took a day off from work as well as duck hunting and went out to Doc Pete's farm to hunt quail. I really like Doc Pete's gently rolling Ozark Mountain foothills. There are a number of nice sized fields on the property wrapped in tree lines not unlike a nice mountain golf course. The fields are all native prairie grasses and the bordering woods are open enough to hold quail and the occasional woodcock.  Bama and I spent a few hours chasing quail around and ended up with eight on a beautiful late fall afternoon.

Large field that runs the length of the ridge.

Bama getting birdy around some scrub trees near a small pond. I missed this  one due to having my camera out and not getting ready quick enough.

Seems like we always jump birds along the bend of this trail. They're usually under those cedars on the right but sometimes under those small oaks on the left.

Yep there they are. Better hurry and get my gun out! This was one of those occasions where Bama stops and almost points the birds. I think it's when he can actually see it so he pauses before he pounces. Good thing because it gave me time to put away the camera and grab my gun.

A couple of nice Missouri quail.

The proud boy.

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